Everyone’s a winner at CHIditarod. Well.. maybe not your hungover head the next day.
CHIditaroders work hard. Each team will choose their own way to rock at the race. Some want to be the fastest, some want to raise the most money, some want to have the best bribe. The organizers like to recognize all the hard work and dedication that you the racers put into make CHIditarod so EPIC and AWESOME.
Award Eligibility
In order to be eligible to win awards, your team must check-in at every checkpoint in the correct order, and not be disqualified. If you are disqualified along the race for bad sabotage practices, being nasty to checkpoint volunteers or bike marshals, or something similarly lame, you are not eligible to win an award.
Traditional Categories
Below are the award categories. Winners receive a very special CHIditarod trophy, prizes, fame and glory. Oh, and you get to come up on stage for all to see. Some categories are made up on the day of, because you the racer have inspired us so much with your creativeness.
- Most Epic Fundraiser, 2nd Most, 3rd Most, 4th Most – The teams that went for the moon with fundraising. They hit up all their friends, colleagues and relatives.
- Most Food Donated: 1st, 2nd and 3rd: This is food drive of EPIC proportions. These teams have gone way beyond the required amount for registration.
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Speed Racer – For those teams who actually want to run the race for time. Crazy, we know.
- Best in Show, 2nd Best in Show, 3rd Best in Show – These prizes are for the teams that thing of every last detail of their theme. Their costumes, the build out of their cart, their bribes, their sabotage, sometimes even their accents. Your team fully becomes the characters you are creating.
- Best Art Cart – Only those in the Art Cart category can go for this prize.
- Best Costume – Lookin’ Fresh? It’s pretty self-explanatory.
- Rookie of the Year – yep, you are a noob and you rocked it like a pro! All 5 team members need to be CHIditarod Virgins.
- Best Bribe – It’s not just about buying shots or drinks, it’s about being creative. Previous best bribes have been home baked goods, homemade whisky, gift bags and singing telegrams. Remember though, bribes that fit your cart’s theme are in a class of their own.
- The Creative Arts Award for Use of Unusual Materials – You remember the Best Use of Duct Tape Award. You sat on the brilliant Throne of Games. You played the custom Plexiglass console of Duck Hunt. Now it’s your turn! Devise something unexpected out of a material of your choosing. It could be fabric, wood, paper, plastic, bubble wrap, recyclables, cotton fluff… yes, even duct tape. It can be large or small. It can be part of your cart. It can be part of your costume. The only limit is your imagination! Oh yeah, and please tell us in advance that you are competing for this prize by emailing judges@chiditarod.org as we want to make sure that our Judges are prepared to have their effing minds blown.
- Dick Dastardly – You were creative, you did not break any of the Sabotage Rules and you made us smile with your ingenuity.
Checkpoint Awards
Master Judges from each checkpoint and the Checkpoint Crew will be choosing a team they would like to give their Checkpoint Award too. We, the Coreganizers, have no idea who they will choose, what kind of cart will stick out to them on race day or what silly antics you will need to create to get their attention.