While a few urban shopping cart races existed before CHIditarod began in 2006, it was Chicago that pioneered the philanthropic aspects of such an event. First, we created a food drive (raising more than 280,524 pounds to date), then added fundraising, created our own 501(c)(3), and finally began an annual grant program to fund local non-profits fighting to end hunger. Our program has one cycle a year, opening in early summer and closing in late fall.

2024 Grant Program Grantees have been selected!
Thanks to all of the teams and individuals who hustled their families, friends, and colleagues to
FUNdraise a RECORD AMOUNT in 2024, the Chiditarod Foundation was able to both expand
our reach to northern Illinois outside the Chicago metro area. We received a huge number of
new applicants due to new regional outreach by the foundation board, and gave out nearly
$115,000 in Community Grants for both program development and infrastructure projects, with
an equal number of organizations receiving grants under each program for the first time.
Another truly mind-blowing year of fundraising enables us to help 22 organizations that are
benefiting from the generosity of donors who have given so much to the cause to help solve
food insecurity in northern Illinois.
Eligibility Requirements
- Operates programs focusing on:
- Innovative educational opportunities
- Building partnerships with other organizations and policy-relevant leaders engaged in local issues
- Health nutrition or creative work on some aspect of food
- Innovation to address challenges to food access and availability
- Is recognized by the IRS as 501(c)(3) organization, or has a written agreement of fiscal sponsorship from a 501(c)(3) organization
- Operates in Northern Illinois
- Is in good standing with the Illinois Secretary of State
- Is registered with the Illinois Attorney General
We are particularly interested in organizations whose mission is related to alleviating hunger, addressing food insecurity, and/or improving the lives of the public through education, food or hunger relief in Northern Illinois. Smaller, community-led organizations are especially encouraged to apply.
Grantee Expectations
The CHIditarod Foundation grant recipients must agree to provide a narrative report on or before May 1, 2025 — approximately 7 months after the awards are granted, and provide joint press release and promotion regarding your organization’s receipt of funding from the CHIditarod Foundation.
What Have We Granted?
- $115,000 in 2024 to 22 local nonprofits
- $98,500 in 2023 to 18 local nonprofits
- $86,000 in 2022 to 22 local nonprofits
- $106,250 in 2021 to 21 local nonprofits
- $96,600 in 2020 to 19 local nonprofits
- $55,000 in 2019 to 9 local nonprofits
- $31,000 in 2018 to 8 local nonprofits.
- $26,500 in 2017 to 9 local nonprofits.
- $25,000 in 2016 to 8 local nonprofits.
- $25,000 in 2015 to 5 local nonprofits.
- $25,000 in 2014 to 7 local nonprofits.
- $20,000 in 2013 to 4 local nonprofits.
Address all inquiries to foundation@chiditarod.org.
Sign up for grant-related news.
Learn more about the CHIditarod Foundation’s history and mission.